Our school thrives with families like yours - so please tell a friend about our school.
Survey - Student Needs and Care Survey
The school and family relationship is important to the successful progress of a child. KCS encourages parent involvement in our parent support groups P4K through various volunteer roles or committees. We strongly recommend attendance at all parent-teacher conferences so that we can track and work together toward academic, social, and spiritual improvement throughout the year.
The Parent and Student Handbook will be helpful to answer many questions. A revision is in progress.
Parents can support their child’s learning by:
- Promoting good study habits at home
- Setting aside a place for children to do their homework.
- Making sure homework is completed and ready to bring to school the next day.
- Checking daily for notes sent home from school.
- Talking with children about their school day.
- Setting limits on TV, video games, and computer games.
- Encouraging children to read.
- Read to your child and remember to pray with them at bed time or for family needs.
- Getting to know your children’s friends. This prevents children from getting into risky behaviors.
- Don’t forget to help your child share in household duties, as practicing responsibility is an important life skills that will help them succeed in school.